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Top page of Makoto Sakuta, Fukuoka Institute of Technology


2006.8.1 -Department of Information and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Information Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan


You can contact me by email using this page.

Research and Development

In the area of artificial intelligence, which aims to let computers imitate or excel the human thinking, I have been studying several topics related games or puzzles and developed several computer programs.

My recent topics are:
     Tsuitate-Shogi (Screen Shogi: variant of Japanese chess like screen chess)
     3D board game Score Four.

Some developed programs of puzzles or games are available on the web.

Studies on Tsuitate-Tsume-Shogi (Mating Problems of Screen Shogi)

Program Solving Two-Times Sorting Sequence and its Outputs

Two-Times Sorting Sequence is generated as follows.

Starting a certain positive integer, for instance, in case starting from 1, numbers are doubled successively as follows.

    1 → 2 → 4 → 8 → 16

After doubling, the digits of each number in decimal are sorted ascendingly. Therefore, the continued sequence are:

    16 → 32 (sorted  ascendingly) 23 → 46 → 92 (sorted  ascendingly) 29 → 58

I have shown that all the Two-Times Sorting Sequences result in cycles. The computer program for generating all sequences is available.


Score Four Game

Score Four is a two-person hard-thinking game with a 4x4x4 3D board. The rules and how to play are shown. Computers of some levels are available.

Battleship game

Two-person incomlete-information game

papers on battleship game

Makoto Sakuta and Hiroyuki Iida, Evaluation of Attacking and Placing Strategies in the Battleship Game without Considering Opponent Models, Proceedings of 1st International Forum on Information and Computer Technology (IFICT 2003), pp.80-85, 2003.

Makoto Sakuta and Hiroyuki Iida, Decision Making based on the Generation of Possible Positions in an Imperfect-Information Game - A case study using the Battleship Game (in Japanese with English abstract), Journal of Game Amusement Society, Vol.2 (1), pp.28-35, 2008.

Variants of 15-puzzle JavaScript version Flash version

Incomplete-information 15-puzzle using images. Although you can get hints, try solving without hints.

Hakoiri-musume puzzle

Variant of sliding-block puzzle. Several levels are available.

Affiliated academic society